Kylie Brooke arrived Tuesday, September 22nd at 8:20 pm. She weighed 7.4 lbs and was 20 inches long. Everything went smoothly but it was a LONG day. Kyle and I arrived at the hospital at 5:30 am to check in. At about 7:20 my doctor arrived and broke my water. I dialated relatively quickly to 6 cm but then we hit a wall early afternoon. After several hours of no change I thought we were going to have to do a section but luckily things turned around at 4:30 and I rapidly progressed to 9 cm. This was a blessing but definitely the worst part of the whole day. I was shaking like crazy, burning up, and the pain was getting more intense (I did however have an epidural it was just kicking in again). Then at 6:00 pm the pushing began. It was such a surreal experience. I still cannot believe it is all over. I imagined it all completely different. I guess I always thought there would be several nurses helping my doctor and it would be very intense but I was calmly guided through the whole process and only did a second nurse appear at the very end and this nurse was there just for Kylie.
Once Kylie arrived she did have to be monitored for about 5 minutes due to rapid breathing but then she was placed in my arms. I think I was too exhausted to truly take in that moment but it was amazing to hold her for the first time. She was so pleasant. She just laid there in my arms so quiet and peaceful. Then after about an hour our family came in to see her. I have never seen such happy grandparents in my life. They were all so proud. The grandparents were followed by my brother and two of my aunts. By this point, I was completely out of it and just let them enjoy her. We got to come home Thursday evening at about 8:00 pm. It was another long day but I was so thankful to come home and lay in my bed with no nurses to disturb us every few minutes.
So now we are just focusing on Kylie's feeding times and resting. She sure does love to sleep! It still amazes me and Kyle that we had a child this week. She is just perfect. We love our precious girl.
I went to the doctor for my weekly appointment and the doctor has decided that next Tuesday the 22nd will be the day Kylie arrives. She will technically be a few days early but the doctor is a little concerned with how big she may actually be. Right now she is around 7-7.5 lbs and my belly is ALL Kylie. This explains the constant pain I have from her. Kyle and I are so excited to have an official date but it is so weird to think that a week from now she will be here with us. How exciting! At first I was hesitant on the whole induction thinking that since it is before the technical due date. I just felt like I was being a bad mom, like I should just stick it out another week but I would rather her come now than to keep getting bigger inside of me and have further complications. So there we have it....officially parents in a week!
Kyle and I had a great Labor day weekend. We were so excited to just hang out and watch football together. Saturday we made chili and creme brulee. I know this sounds like a crazy combination but the chili was a must because of football and the creme brulee was something we have been wanting to make for awhile and we figure we better do it now. Then of course we watched every football game that was on for the rest of the day....and rest of the weekend(Some I paid more attention to than others). The rest of the weekend we just got some errands taken care of and did a few house chores. I had a little burst of energy this weekend to get things done but Monday was much needed for sleep. It was so nice to have Monday off.
This morning I went to the doctor. We finally have progress! I am 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. It is so nice to no that something is going on. The doctor thinks the baby is somewhere around 6-7 lbs. Other than just feeling a little sick these last few days and of course being tired things are going really well. I am so thankful that things have gone so well. I cannot wait to meet our little girl and see what she looks like. I have been imagining it much more lately and I have to say it is making me much more anxious. I have been developing this picture in my head but of course that has no bearing on what she will look like. Will she have my red straight hair or Kyle's brown curly hair or a mixture of the two? I personally am hoping for red curly hair! I guess we will find out soon enough!