This was our biggest month of all. Kylie has started doing so many things. It is just incredible to watch her. Every week we have something new to look forward to. So this month I started back to was extremely difficult for me of course not for her. However, she has a fabulous sitter whom I thank God for everyday. She loves Kylie and takes really good care of her. It took a few days to get used to the new routine but we finally got it down pat and then Christmas came. We went to Guntersville for Christmas Eve and then headed to Auburn for Christmas day. Unfortunately, Kylie and I were both sick but we still had such a great time seeing all of our family. Kylie got so many clothes and toys. This Christmas was exciting for us but not so much for Kylie since she was completely oblivous to what was going on. I cannot wait until next Christmas when she is a lot more mobile and will at least enjoy playing with the wrapping paper! I am posting some pictures of Kylie with my uncle Jimmy and Kyle's dad aka Grandpa. There are also some pictures of Kylie and will notice that some heads are chopped off. My cousin Chris took the pictures and was being all photographer like telling us to work the camera and then I go and look at the pictures and he cut several of the heads off of people (good try Chris but dont quit your day job!).
After Christmas was over we came back to Huntsville. My mom came back with us to hang out since she was off from work that week and then my dad came up for New Year's. During the week we went over to Decatur so my dad's side of the family could meet Kylie. We dont get to see them very often but I have the best time when we get together. My cousin Phyllis loves to cook and be a hostess she always makes you feel special by making special treats like cappucinos or spiced tea. Kylie actually did really well with meeting so many people in one day. She is really not a baby that likes to be passed around a lot. Once she is comfortable she prefers to stay in that position and she is not afraid to make that known to us all....two words to describe my child: high maintenance!
Unfortunately, going back to work this week was hard for both of us. We got used to being in our routine together again and then we had to change it back up. Our poor sitter had a long week but by Friday things got a lot better. BTW, it was freezing cold and snowing here Thursday and Friday. The snow is gone now but the cold remains. It is supposed to warm up to the fifties this week so hopefully we can stop having to run water at night so the pipes wont freeze.
Milestones for month 3:
almost rolling over
playing with toys-she no longer wants to just stare at herself in the mirror she prefers to play with the toys on her mat
coos and squeals frequently
no longer prefers to be rocked to sleep for her nap...just lay her straight down
takes a 5 ounce bottle like it is nothing!
holds her head up well
prefers to sit up and look out when in your lap
sits in her bouncy seat and swing more
she had her 3 month pictures made by a friend of ours, Ashley Turnbull.
she has discovered daddy this month. when he talks she looks to find him. when he makes face at her she laughs. she loves her daddy and I love watching it.
This month has been my favorite so far. She is learning to do so much and becoming so much more interactive. I know the months ahead are going to be even more fun!
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